11 Jul

The Damaging Cost of Putting Off Security Measures 

The Damaging Cost of Putting Off Security Measures 
Why Timely Action Matters for Safety, Costs, and Reputation

Procrastination, otherwise known as putting things off, or ‘kicking the can down the road’ is often seen as harmless. But at Triton Security, we know that delays can have serious consequences. Procrastination in security and risk management can compromise safety, increase costs, and damage reputations. In this article we’re looking at why taking timely action is an important move for business leaders.

Delay Doesn’t Pay (it’ll cost you more)

Delaying investment in surveillance, access technology, or personnel might save money initially, but it can lead to much higher costs in the long run.

For instance, if a retail store decides to delay hiring additional security guards to save on costs. This decision often leads to an increase in shoplifting and vandalism, resulting in substantial financial losses from stolen goods and property damage. The cost of these losses far exceeded the savings from not hiring the security personnel in the first place.

Another example is that cybersecurity upgrades might save money initially. But if a data breach occurs, the recovery costs can be enormous. IBM’s 2022 Cost of a Data Breach Report states the average cost is $4.34 million. This far outweighs the investment in preventive measures.

Compromised Safety and Increased Risk

In security, delays can directly impact on safety. Postponing the installation of cameras or alarm systems leaves assets and people vulnerable. Every day of delay increases the risk of theft, vandalism, or worse. For example, a factory that puts off updating its access control systems might face break-ins, theft of equipment, and even sabotage. This leads to financial losses and makes the workplace more dangerous for employees.

Reputation and Trust Erosion

In business, trust and reputation are vital. If procrastination leads to a security breach, the damage can be severe and long-lasting. Customers, partners, and stakeholders expect strong security measures to be in place. When these expectations aren’t met, trust is lost. This leads to customers leaving and a damaged brand image.

The impact goes beyond immediate financial losses. Negative publicity can spread quickly, hurting the company’s public perception. Rebuilding a reputation after a security lapse takes years of effort. During this time, the business may struggle to attract new clients and secure important deals. Existing customers might switch to competitors who offer better security. This weakens the company’s position in the market.

Overall, procrastination in security can lead to a significant loss of trust and reputation, which can be very hard to recover.

Operational Disruptions

Delaying upgrades or routine maintenance can cause system failures at critical moments. In security, every second counts, the operational damage caused by delay can include:

  • Alarm System Failures -Delaying updates to alarm systems can result in them malfunctioning during a break-in, leaving the property unprotected.
  • Camera Outages – Postponing maintenance on CCTV cameras can lead to camera failures, causing blind spots and unmonitored areas.
  • Access Control Glitches – Not updating access control systems can cause them to malfunction, preventing authorised personnel from entering or exiting secure areas.
  • Communication Breakdowns -Ignoring upgrades to security communication devices can lead to failures during emergencies, hampering coordination among security teams.
  • Software Vulnerabilities – Delaying cybersecurity updates can leave systems vulnerable to hacking, potentially compromising sensitive security data.


These operational disruptions not only compromise the effectiveness of security measures but also increase the risk of serious incidents. Each delay in updating or maintaining security systems can result in vulnerabilities that are easily exploitable.

In the security industry these failures can have catastrophic consequences. By staying proactive and ensuring timely upgrades and maintenance, organisations can avoid these disruptions, maintaining a secure and efficient operational environment.

The Human Cost

Procrastination also takes a toll on individuals psychologically. The stress and anxiety caused by delaying important tasks can significantly lower productivity and morale, ultimately leading to burnout. This is particularly detrimental in security roles, where prompt and decisive action is crucial.

The constant pressure of knowing that critical tasks are being delayed can create a persistent state of worry and distraction. Over time, this mental strain not only affects an individual’s well-being but also impairs their judgment and effectiveness on the job.

Security professionals need to be alert and focused, and the burden of procrastination can severely hinder their ability to perform their duties, potentially compromising the safety and security of the people and assets they are responsible for protecting. The human cost of procrastination extends beyond mere inconvenience, affecting mental health and overall job performance in ways you might not think of.

Embracing Proactive Security Measures

At Triton Security, we promote a proactive approach. Regular risk assessments, timely updates, and ongoing training are key. By prioritising these actions and avoiding procrastination, organisations can reduce risks, costs, and ensure a safer environment.

The true cost of procrastination includes financial burdens, compromised safety, reputational damage, operational disruptions, and psychological stress. Understanding these costs and committing to proactive measures helps to safeguard assets, reputation, and people.

Procrastination might seem minor today, but its repercussions can last. At Triton Security, we help organisations overcome procrastination, ensuring robust and reliable security for all.

Stop putting it off and get in touch today for a free no obligation consultation.

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