It’s a sad fact that it took the tragic fire at London’s Grenfell Tower to bring the problem of dangerous building cladding to the attention of the nation.
The response to preventing further tragedies from happening was Waking Watch. It was recommended as a preventative measure by the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC). Waking Watch is designed to ensure there are always suitable personnel on site to raise the alarm and help residents evacuate in the event of a fire.
Waking Watch personnel are also responsible for preventing and, in certain circumstances, putting out a fire.
Since 2017, there has been a steady uptake of Waking Watch services by building owners and managers, but the true threat of fire remains an unknown quantity. Nationwide, there are over 300 tower blocks still installed with dangerous aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding. The same material that was used on the outside of Grenfell Tower.
That’s before you add to this figure the many different types of unquantified threats that exist. Which include other hazardous building materials, faulty fire doors, lack of fire alarms and evacuation plans. Doing this sum surely takes the actual number of buildings under threat of serious fire into the tens of thousands. A shocking prospect that needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
If you are a building owner or manager, then the time to act is now. It is your duty to make sure this issue isn’t swept under the carpet and allowed to happen at your property. Every building has the potential to be affected by fire. But it is the ones that are exposed by a lack of preparation that pose the biggest threat to human life.
As one of the UK’s most trusted providers of Waking Watch, Triton Security delivers a comprehensive range of services to suit apartment blocks and other types of multiple occupancy buildings.
Your safety is at stake. And we at Triton Security are ready to help you sleep easy at night. Safe in the knowledge that, if anything were to happen, our trusted experts would be there to help.
If you have a building that you feel would benefit from our Waking Watch service, then please contact the Triton Security team to discuss your needs today.